Overview Health and Safety
Safety is Part of Everything We Do
Whether we’re on-site or at the office, we take the health of our stakeholders and staff seriously. At Wales McLelland Construction, we have a comprehensive safety program that strives for a zero-incident record for all our operations. We are proud members of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, which provides us with programs and standards that are promoted through pre-project planning, safety orientation and training, on-going worksite hazard inspections, and regular safety meetings.
The Wales McLelland Safety Program
While we always follow industry standards, we also set them with the Wales McLelland Safety Program. This our company's commitment to our team, and no Wales McLelland job site runs without it. It’s because of this program that we’ve obtained the WorkSafeBC Certificate of Recognition (COR). Following an extensive audit of our safety measures, we were awarded certification, enabling our management team to maintain an occupational health and safety system that exceeds regulatory requirements in everything we do.